Fashion Logos Aren’t What They Used to Be
By Wim Langedijk for HURS
Fashion Logos Aren’t What They Used to Be
HUR Reads is our definitive shortlist of the most prominent articles from around the web.
By HURS Team
The Zara Woman
Whether you are anti fast-fashion or not, you can’t deny the influence Zara has had on the industry at large. How To Spend It published a rare interview with Marta Ortega Pérez, the non-executive chair of Inditex talks succession, sustainability and sales, whose moving the brand forward.
Writer Aileen Kwun speaks to branding experts and design industry players about fashion’s renewed interest in the humble serif brands. The changing of the guards in luxury brands’ leadership is often paired with a full 360 rebrand – including a new logo. Kwun dives into the history of fashion’s logos and what’s led to the industry’s shift to the humble serif.
The pace at which new Creative Directors are joining and exiting some of luxury fashion’s biggest brands is hard to keep up with. Brand executive Ana Andjelic (she’s also the brains behind newsletter The Sociology of Business) dives into what it means to be a Creative Director today. She’s found there are three types of creative leaders, each with their own strategy to redefine the industry.
The Wall Street Journal dives into the world of brand names, and how recently new companies seem to keep it extra simple. She speaks with branding experts and creatives on the importance of branding and what difference a name can make as well as why we’re seeing this shift.
Over the past few years nonalcoholic beverages have truly become mainstream. The category has seen exponential growth in the past few years, and offers something for everyone. Writer Megan Krigbaum dives into the world of N/A wines, which encompasses both made-from-grapes wines, as well as an emerging range of wine types incorporating a wide variety of ingredients, infusions and nonalcoholic fermentations.